Real-time data sync Domino

This one was bugging me for a long time. How to sync data from Domino database in real-time.

You often want to display data or maybe even edit same data that resides in Domino database in some external system.

For example you want to display a nice chart in your web application and you need really up-to-date data from Domino. Or if you want to edit part of data in some external app with nice interface. With that one you really need a real time sync.

You could write an agent that executes when document is changed, but that will sync with some delay. Also there is a blocker, you do not have access to events when document is deleted. For deleted documents you would need to do a full database scan on both systems.

But there is always a way!

You can write an extension for Domino server, that triggers data sync whenever something interesting happens. There is already a project on that does this, but the issue is that it does not (did not) work properly. So I needed to get my hands “dirty” and refresh my C language knowledge.

I was a hardcore C developer time ago, developing security and crypto software for financial and other sector, but then switched to more modern languages.

So, I took over the code and recoded it in straight C, no C++ nonsense 😉

Just kidding, C++ is nice, but when you need strict memory allocation accounting, you better be good and hope that libs that you are using are also well written.

After a while we got now a testing (alfa) version of linux version of TriggerHappy extension. One that does not crash, works properly, but still need some polishing.

I wanted to demonstrate what the code is capable of. In this video you have a Domino database and Phoenix real-time app side by side, that refreshes data when you save it in Domino.

You can write comments what would you do with such extension.

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